Saturday, October 23, 2021


The first episode of the Fossil Huntress Podcast was October 12, 2020. It started with a bang of 47 episodes in the first season. 

Since then, I have slowed down a bit to deliver 85 episodes over the course of this past year. 

The podcast has gained a broad audience globally with over 10,000 listens from 65 countries. It attracts those who love the realm of palaeontology with its sexy ammonites, trilobites and dinosaurs, but also a general science audience of those who love the natural world. 

The podcast has changed the way I interact with those who read my work and made me a better storyteller — though, in truth, I am still learning. 

With a large part of my listeners speaking English as their second, third or fourth language, it has made me aware of the many idioms and gambits so common in our English tongue. I have added a translate button to the ARCHEA blog so folk can read it in their language of choice as much of what I share on the podcast is also shared via the blog — only with pictures instead of descriptions.  

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