Friday, November 12, 2021


Apatosaurus, one of the largest animals to ever live
Apatosaurus was one of the largest animals to ever live on our planet. Picture this fellow at over 22 metres (75 feet) long and over 22,679 kg (50,000 lbs). 

That's about two-and-a-half times as long as a London bus and two-and-a-half times as heavy as a Tyrannosaurus rex

Given their large size, these big boys did not have to worry about most predators. It would take a posse of large apex predators like the large carnosaurian theropod dinosaur Allosaurus to take down a full-grown Apatosaurus

Their young would be vulnerable and their eggs even more so, but my money would be on the large Apatosaurus defending the smaller members of their family groups against these risks.

This sauropod had a really long neck and whip-like tail and a teeny, tiny head. These massive beasts liked to dine on vegetation and foliage at the tops of the tree canopies.

Othniel Charles Marsh (of Cope & Marsh fame) first described the Apatosaurus in 1877, giving it the name Apatosaurus ajax. There are two recognized species of Apatosaurus, the Apatosaurus ajax (the type species) and Apatosaurus louisae who lived in North America during the Late Jurassic — 152 million years ago.

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