Sunday, April 24, 2022


Join us for an exciting talk with Dr. John-Paul Zonneveld, Professor, Faculty of Science, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Admin, University of Alberta. 

Dr. Zonneveld will be speaking on the Earth's faunal recovery from the Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction & the Significance of Marine Faunas in Northeastern British Columbia. 

His research is focused in the areas of sedimentology, palaeoecology and palaeontology.  Hear JP's multidisciplinary approach to questions arising between geological and biological systems as he turns his eye to our world 250 million years ago​.

His current projects include: 

  • Mixed clastic-carbonate sedimentology of Middle Triassic successions in western Canada.
  • Triassic arid coastal depositional successions; sedimentology of Lower Triassic tight gas intervals in western Canada.
  • Application of ichnology to the Permian-Triassic extinction event and biotic recovery in its aftermath.
  • The sedimentologic and stratigraphic evolution of Early to Middle Eocene successions in the Green River Basin, Wyoming.
  • The ichnology and sedimentology of modern, macro-tidal, dissipative shoreface successions on Vancouver Island.
  • Paleogene-Quaternary palaeontology of Island southeast Asia focusing on Sumatra, Kalimantan and Timor.
For the Zoom link, visit: This is a free talk open to the general public. Advanced registration is not necessary. You can connect via Zoom or direct link in your browser.

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