Monday, September 19, 2022


This sexy monkey with the long neck lit in soft purple and blue is Dippy the Dinosaur.

Dippy was the first Diplodocus to ever go on display when it was gifted to the Natural History Museum over 100 years ago. It quickly became a star, capturing hearts and imaginations. 

In 1905 a cast of a Diplodocus skeleton was donated to the Museum by the wealthy businessman Andrew Carnegie, based on the original specimen in the Carnegie Museum in the USA.

King Edward VII had requested a copy of the newly discovered dinosaur after seeing a picture of it in Carnegie's Scottish castle. From 1979 to early 2017 the cast - known affectionately as Dippy - was on display in the Museum's Hintze Hall.

In 1993, Dippy's tail was lifted from the ground after research revealed that Diplodocus tails would have been raised high to balance the neck.

Every two years or so, Museum experts used specialist equipment to clean the 292 bones that makeup Dippy. It takes two staff members two days to clean the cast and make sure it is maintained for future generations to enjoy. 

Dippy left the Museum in 2017 to complete a whirlwind tour of the UK. Throughout his journey, Dippy witnessed the changing state of nature and how the UK's biodiversity is in sharp decline. The famous cast is now back visiting the Museum until Christmas 2022.

Diplodocus had a long neck that it would have used to reach high and low vegetation and to drink water. There has been some debate over how such a long neck would have been held.

Scientists now think that ligaments running from the hip to the back of the neck would have allowed Diplodocus to hold its neck in a horizontal position without using muscles. The vertebrae (back bones) are split down the middle and this space could have held ligaments like these. Diplodocus may have had narrow, pointed bony spines lining its back.

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